Congressional Black Caucus PAC
**Black History Preservation Panel**
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Did you learn about John Brown in school?
Unsure/I don’t remember
Did you know that John Brown originally asked Harriet Tubman to help with the raid but she was prevented from joining because of illness?
Yes, I did know that.
No, but I know now.
Did you know that infamous figures from Civil War history like Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and John Wilkes Booth were present at John Brown’s raid or the aftermath?
Yes, I know that.
No, but I know now.
Two-thirds of Americans look back and say they were not taught enough about the struggles and the triumphs of Black Americans in school, according to a Quinnipiac University Poll.
Do you believe schools should teach their students more about Black History?
Unsure/prefer not to say
Republicans in states like Florida are banning the teaching of Black history in schools. They’re trying to whitewash history!
In your opinion, how important is it that schools teach uncensored Black history in its entirety?
1 - Extremely important
2 - Important
3 - Neutral/Unsure
4 - Not important
5 - Not important at all
Do you think that President Biden and Vice President Harris are the best candidates in the 2024 race to protect Black Americans?
We'll be blunt:
President Biden is trailing Donald Trump in battleground states. If President Biden loses in these states, it's all over – Donald Trump will win in 2024.
We can't go back. We've made too much progress to let him back in the White House.
But he's got the financial backing of billionaires who want to crush President Biden. We rely on grassroots supporters to fund our operations, so we are humbly asking for just $5. Please, can you chip in now?
I’ll chip in $5 >>
I’ll chip in $15 >>
I’ll chip in $35 >>
I’ll chip in a custom amount >>
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