Congressional Black Caucus PAC
Please confirm your 2024 voting status:
Click here.
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[CONFIRM] How did you vote in 2024?
I voted early in person →
I voted by mail or dropbox →
I voted on Election Day →
I didn’t vote →
Prefer not to say
Who did you vote for this November?
Kamala Harris (D)
Donald Trump (R)
Neither/Prefer not to say
What party do you want to be in power in the U.S. House and Senate?
Prefer not to say
Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are pushing over 440 voter suppression laws nationwide. Are you concerned about Republicans making it harder to vote?
Yes, I'm concerned
No, I’m not concerned
I’m not sure
Republicans are doing everything in their power to block a National Vote-by-Mail Option, which would give every voter the opportunity to easily cast their ballot in the presidential election. Does this concern you?
Yes, I'm concerned
No, I'm not concerned
I'm not sure
The Congressional Black Caucus PAC is the largest and most powerful Caucus PAC fighting to stop Republican voter suppression and expand voting rights so ALL Americans can make their voices heard.
Can we count on you to chip in $100 to help fight back against Trump's attacks on our voting rights?
Yes, count me in.
No, not today.
We understand if you can't chip in $100 today, but here's why we really need your help today:
🔴 Kamala Harris just lost the election to Donald Trump.
🔴🔴 Trump and his loyal MAGA followers will do everything they can to silence the Black community and destroy the progress we’ve made.
🔴🔴🔴 When Trump takes office in January 2025, we need to be prepared to fight like hell for our rights.
But we spent every cent we had during the election, and we need to wire urgent funds to our Democratic members of Congress by tonight to start preparing for the Trump administration.
Can we count on you to make a donation? Even a few dollars would go a long way to help us fight back against Republican voter suppression attacks!
I can spare $3 >>
I can spare $15 (most common donation) >>
I can spare $35 >>
I can spare more >>
+When providing your phone number, you are joining a recurring text message program to CBCPAC.